Mustafa Ağbi'ye Şiiri - Sıcak Rüzgar

Sıcak Rüzgar




Mustafa Ağbi'ye

Mustafa Ağbi’ye Tövbe Çağrısı

Camiye gittin bugün, gönlün oldu saf,
Sevindik hepimiz, coştu kalpte asaf.
Kuru sıkı tabanca dursun köşede,
Asıl zafer bulunur secde köşede.

Karı kız peşinde koşmaktan yoruldun,
Şans oyunlarıyla talihini kuruttun.
Oysa huzur yakın, bak ellerinle tut,
Tövbe edersen eğer, bahtın da olur kut.

Ey Mustafa Ağbi, silkelen, uyan,
Hakikat çağırır, artık hadi davran.
Cuma vakti huzur, kalbin en güzel ilacı,
Namazda bulur insan, ruhun sonsuz tacı.

Teneşir mi paklar? Tövbe paklar seni,
Rabb’e aç kalbini, işte budur yolun en iyisi.
Her vakitte gel, camilerde hazır yerin,
Tövbe et ki coşsun, Rahmet’in nehirleri.

Artık sulama gönlünü boş çiçeklere,
Huzur var secdede, Allah’a yürekle gidile.
Bu dünya geçer, ahiret bakidir,
Mustafa Ağbi, tövben ebedi taçtır, hakikidir!

A Call for Repentance to Mustafa Agbi

You went to the mosque today, your heart was pure,
We are all glad, asaf is thrilled in our hearts.
Let the dry tight gun stand in the corner,
The real victory is found in the prostrate corner.

You're tired of chasing wives and daughters,
You've ruined your fortune with games of chance.
But peace is near, look, hold it with your hands,
If you repent, you will also have luck, kut.

O Brother Mustafa, shake off, wake up,
The truth calls, now act.
Peace on Friday, the most beautiful medicine of the heart,
Man finds in prayer the eternal crown of the soul.

Do they suck, paks? Repentance paks you,
Open your heart to the Lord, this is the best way.
Come at any time, your place is ready in the mosques,
Repent so that he may rejoice, the rivers of Mercy.

No longer watering your heart to empty flowers,
There is peace in prostration, go to Allah with a heart.
This world passes away, the hereafter remains,
Brother Mustafa, your repentance is the eternal crown, it is true!

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 29.11.2024 15:41:00