Mevlid Kandili Şiiri - Sıcak Rüzgar

Sıcak Rüzgar




Mevlid Kandili

Bu gece, nurun indiği o gece,
Gönüller titrer, diller hep zikirde.
Kutlu doğumun yankısı her yerde,
Sevgiyle doldu âlem, bambaşka bir çehre.

Gecenin karanlığı, nurla aydınlanır,
Melekler saf tutar, gökten rahmet yağar.
Her dua kabul, her gönül yıkanır,
Allah'a yakın, kalpler huzurla dolar.

O, ümmetine merhametle gelmiş,
Rahmet Peygamberi, kalplere yerleşmiş.
Bu gece onun adıyla bereketlenir,
Sevgiyle, ümitle dualar dile gelir.

Ya Resulallah, şefaatinle bize bak,
Senin izindeyiz, gönlümüz sende ancak.
Mevlid Kandili, umut dolu bir vakit,
Sonsuz rahmetle dolsun tüm varlık.

Tonight, that night when the light descended,
Hearts tremble, tongues are always in dhikr.
The echo of the holy birth is everywhere,
The world was filled with love, a completely different face.

The darkness of the night is illuminated with light,
Angels keep rows, mercy rains from the sky.
Every prayer is accepted, every heart is washed,
Close to Allah, hearts are filled with peace.

He came to his nation with mercy,
The Prophet of Mercy has settled in hearts.
This night is blessed with his name,
Prayers are expressed with love and hope.

O Messenger of Allah, look at us with your intercession,
We are following you, our hearts belong only to you.
Mawlid Kandili, a time full of hope,
May all existence be filled with endless mercy.

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 14.9.2024 10:36:00