Memurun Servisi
Memurun derdidir, işine yetişmek,
Sabahın karanlığı, vakitler gitmek.
Servis kalktı mı, herkes perişan,
İşe varmak hayal, dertler hep yaman.
Toplu taşıma dolu, sıkış tıkış hal,
Metroda nefes yok, çıkılmaz bu dar.
Memur düşer yollara, saatlerce bekler,
Her gün yeni dert, her gün yeni keder.
Servisler can kurtaran, sabahın ilk nuru,
Olmazsa işler aksar, yoktur ki huzuru.
Yollar karma karışık, trafik bir bela,
Servisle gideriz, huzur bula bula.
Bir kalksa bu hizmet, memur ne yapsın?
Saatinde gelemez, işini gücünü katsın.
Devletimiz büyük, bilmiştir bu hali,
Sağ olsun ki durdurmadı bu şanlı seferi.
Allah devletimize, zeval vermesin,
Her gün huzurla, işimize gidelim.
Servis bizim hakkımız, kimse dokunmasın,
Birlikte güçlü, hep ileri bakalım!
Memurun duası, devlete her daim,
Bu hizmet sürsün, gönüller daim.
Servisle geliriz, işler aksamaz,
Vatan için çalışırız, kimse durduramaz.
Sabahın serini, yollar uykuda,
Memur düşer yola, umutlar duada.
Gönül ister servisi, başlasın yeni gün,
Tıkır tıkır işler, dağılmaz hiçbir düğün.
Servis bir nimettir, hayatı kolay kılan,
Yorgun memura, sabahları can veren can.
Kalksa bu hizmet, dert olur başımıza,
İşler yarım kalır, gelir gecikmeler safa.
Metro dolu, otobüs bir çile,
Her durakta bekler, hayat hep nafile.
Yolcu yükü taşar, kavga çıkar durmaz,
Trafikse kördüğüm, hiç kimse soluk almaz.
Devlet bilir halimizi, halkına arka duran,
Sağ olsun ki devam etti, hep bizi kollayan.
Cumhurbaşkanlığı'ndan geldi müjde mektubu,
Servisler devam edecek, yoktur başka yolu.
Memurun derdi bitti, gönüller hep rahat,
İşe vaktinde varmak, huzura en büyük kanat.
Ne sıkıntı, ne stres, yollar bizim dostumuz,
Servis kalkınca memur, çalışır sonsuz.
Allah devletimize zeval vermesin,
Bu büyük nimet daim sürsün gitsin.
Her sabah aynı huzur, aynı düzenle,
Yollara düşeriz, işimize sevinçle.
Trafik yığılmaz, herkesin bir yeri var,
Servisler kalkmazsa, işler de hep karar.
Yollar bayram yeri, hiç olmaz huzursuzluk,
Servisle işler yürür, her şeyde bir güzellik.
Halk da bilir kıymetini, memur da minnettar,
Devlet sağ olsun, bu yol hepimize yarar.
Memur hizmette, devlet hep yanında,
Servisler kaldıkça hayat bayram havasında.
Saatinde geliriz, işler aksamaz,
Herkes huzur bulur, kimse sabahlanmaz.
Bu düzen bozulmasın, herkes yoluna baksın,
Memurun duası, devlete daim aksın.
Her sabah dualarla çıkarız bu yola,
Servisle varırız, huzur buluruz mola.
İşler biter zamanında, herkes memnun olur,
Devletimiz var olsun, bu halk ona kuldur.
Officer's Service
The officer's problem is to keep up with his job,
The darkness of the morning, the time to go.
When the service is up, everyone is miserable,
It's a dream to get to work, there are always problems.
Public transportation is full, it's jammed,
There is no breath in the subway, it is impossible to get out, it is narrow.
The officer falls on the roads, waits for hours,
Every day is a new trouble, every day is a new grief.
Services that save lives, the first light of the morning,
If not, things will be disrupted, there is no peace.
The roads are mixed up, traffic is a problem,
We'll go with the service, find peace.
If this service gets up, what should the officer do?
He can't come on time, let him add his strength to his work.
Our state is great, he has known this state,
Fortunately, he did not stop this glorious expedition.
May Allah not bring ruin to our state,
Let's go to work every day in peace.
Service is our right, no one should touch,
Strong together, let's always look forward!
The officer's prayer is always to the state,
Let this service continue, hearts forever.
We will come with the service, things will not be disrupted,
We work for the Motherland, no one can stop it.
Cool of the morning, the roads are asleep,
The officer falls on the road, hopes are in prayer.
If you want a heart service, let the new day begin,
It works so well, no wedding will fall apart.
Service is a blessing, it makes life easy,
To the tired officer, the life that gives life in the morning.
If this service gets up, it will be a problem for us,
Jobs remain unfinished, income delays are safa.
The subway is full, the bus is an ordeal,
He waits at every stop, life is always futile.
The passenger load overflows, as soon as a fight breaks out,
If it's traffic, I'm blind, no one breathes.
The state knows our state, standing behind its people,
Fortunately, he continued, who has always looked out for us.
A good news letter came from the Presidency,
The services will continue, there is no other way.
The officer's problem is over, the hearts are always at ease,
Arriving to work on time is the biggest wing to peace.
No troubles, no stress, the roads are our friends,
When the service gets up, the officer works endlessly.
May Allah not ruin our state,
May this great blessing continue forever.
Every morning the same peace, the same order,
We go on the road, rejoicing in our work.
Traffic does not pile up, everyone has a place,
If the services don't take off, things are always decided.
Roads are a place of celebration, there will never be unrest,
Things work out with the service, a beauty in everything.
The public also knows its value, the officer is also grateful,
Thanks to the state, this path benefits us all.
The officer is in service, the state is always with him,
As long as the services remain, life is in a festive mood.
We'll come on time, things won't go wrong,
Everyone finds peace, no one gets up in the morning.
Don't let this order be disrupted, let everyone look their way,
May the officer's prayer flow to the state forever.
We go out on this road every morning with prayers,
We arrive by shuttle, we find peace, a break.
Things finish on time, everyone is satisfied,
Let our state exist, these people are servants to it.
Kayıt Tarihi : 14.10.2024 11:42:00
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