Maneviyatın Yitimi Şiiri - Sıcak Rüzgar

Sıcak Rüzgar




Maneviyatın Yitimi

Maneviyatın Yitimi

Nedir bu gidişat, nereye varır bu yol,
Günah denizinde boğulmuş her rol.
Maneviyat yok olmuş, gönüller sağır,
Biz, özümüzden kopmuş, yanlışta ısrar.

Bir zamanlar aydınlık, şimdi zifirî karanlık,
Atalar zaferle dolmuş, biz yorgun ve dar bakış.
İçki sofralarda, zehir damarımızda,
Ne kaldıysa geride, yitmiş inanç yolda.

Kötülüklerin anası, içki başta durur,
Zina büyük oğlu, kalpleri kurutur.
Kumar kardeşi, ocakları söndürür,
Sigara küçük ama, yürekleri bükündürür.

Her birinin dostu var, ölümcül sıralar,
Kokain, eroin peşlerinde sararlar.
Gençlik heder olur, umutlar yok olur,
Bu haram yolunda her kalp tek tek solur.

Göz yumdukça büyür, kök salar her kötü,
Maneviyattan uzak her toprak çürüdü.
Bir zamanlar iyilik galipti her yerde,
Şimdi kötülük hüküm sürer geniş bir seferde.

Ne oldu bize, hangi yolda kaybolduk?
Neden bu kirli sulara gönlümüzü koyduk?
Oysa Hak bizi çağırır her an ve her daim,
Bizse dünyevî hırslarda yitirdik her daim.

Zaman döndü, ak oldu kara,
Kötülük çoğaldı, sardı dört bir tarafa.
İnsanlık unuttu hakkı, neyi arar, neyi bulur?
Oysa bu yol, cehenneme varan bir yolculuktur.

Maneviyat olmadan, kim kurtulur bu ateşten?
Kim kaçabilir haramın cezasından, işte budur gerçekten.
Dünyayı kazandık sandık, oysa neyi kaybettik?
Kalplerde kötülükler yer buldu, aşkı terk ettik.

Şanlı tarihimizi unuttuk birer birer,
Zaferler dolu mazimiz şimdi bize ne der?
Uyan ey insanlık, uyan ey milletim,
Yolun sonu karanlık, eğer dönmezsek özümüze, yitip gideriz.

Bak işte Nemrutlar, Firavunlar her yanda,
Kendi nefsini ilah bilenler her savaşta.
Bir virüs dahi dize getirdi hepsini,
Toprağa düşüp silindi isimleri.

Ne diye bu inat, ne diye bu hırs?
Sanki dünyayı ele geçirdik sanmışız,
Her şey geçer, kalmaz bu dünya malı,
Elde kalan, sadece yapılan ameli hayrı,

Fitneye, fesada kulağımızı kapatmazsak,
Kötülükle yarışmak, insanlığı son bulur zannedersek,
O vakit ne huzur ne de umut kalır,
Kendi elimizle karanlıkta kayboluruz, çürür her barış.

Ama hâlâ vakit var, dönmeye fırsat var,
Hak yoluna adım atarsak, biter bu nazar.
Maneviyatta çözüm var, kurtuluş Hak’ta,
Kendi özümüze dönersek, buluruz saadeti sonsuz hayatta.

Evet, dünya döner hızla, zaman geçer elbet,
Ama biz nefsimize yenik düşersek her şey heba, net.
Her bireyin bir görevi var bu âlemde,
İnsana insanlık yakışır, başka ne?

Yeter ki silkelen, uyan bir kez daha,
Dön yüzünü karanlıktan, bak aydınlığa.
Vicdan terazinde tart her niyeti,
Adaletle yaşa, sevgiyle büyüt ümitleri.

İmanla olursa, biter tüm dertler,
Kötülükler geride kalır, yalnızca iyilikler eser.
Gönüllerde sevda olur, dünyada barış,
O vakit anlarız işte, bu yol Hakk’a varış.

Bir kez daha uyanın ey milletim,
Maneviyatla dirilin, gelin hep birlikte yürüyelim.
Hak olan neyse onu seçelim,
Bu çukurdan çıkarız elbet, yeter ki gönülden sevelim.

The Loss of Spirituality

What is this course, where does this path lead,
Every role drowned in the sea of sin.
Spirituality has disappeared, hearts are deaf,
We, cut off from our essence, insist on the wrong.

Once light, now pitch dark,
The ancestors are filled with victory, we are tired and narrow-minded.
The drink is on the tables, the poison is in our veins,
Whatever is left behind, the lost faith is on its way.

Mother of evil, the drink stops at first,
The eldest son of adultery dries up hearts.
Kumar brother, extinguishes the January,
The cigarette is small, but it makes the hearts bend.

Each of them has a friend, deadly rows,
Cocaine, heroin, they're after them.
Youth becomes wasted, hopes disappear,
Every heart breathes one by one on this forbidden path.

It grows as the eye Tues, takes root every bad,
Every land far from spirituality has decayed.
Once upon a time goodness prevailed everywhere,
Now evil reigns at once in a vast.

What happened to us, on which road did we get lost?
Why did we put our heart into these dirty waters?
But the Truth calls us every moment and every time,
And we have always lost in worldly ambitions.

Time has turned, white has become black,
Evil has multiplied, it has spread to all four sides.
Humanity has forgotten the right, what does it seek, what does it find?
But this path is a journey that leads to hell.

Without spirituality, who will survive this fire?
Whoever can escape from the punishment of the forbidden, that is indeed it.
We thought we had won the world, but what have we lost?
Evil has found a place in our hearts, we have abandoned love.

We have forgotten our glorious history one by one,
What does our history full of victories tell us now?
Wake up, O humanity, wake up, my people,
The end of the road is dark, if we do not return to our essence, we will disappear.

Look here, Nemruts, Pharaohs are everywhere,
Those who know their own souls as gods in every battle.
Even a virus brought them all to their knees,
Their names fell to the ground and were erased.

Why this stubbornness, why this ambition?
It's like we thought we had taken over the world,
Everything passes, it doesn't stay, this is the property of the world,
What remains in the hand, only the good deed that is done,

If we do not close our ears to sedition, corruption,
If we think that competing with evil ends humanity,
Then there will be no peace or hope left,
We disappear into the darkness by our own hands, every peace decays.

But there's still time, there's a chance to return,
If we step on the path of truth, this evil eye will end.
There is a solution in spirituality, salvation is in Truth,
If we return to our own essence, we will find bliss in eternal life.

Yes, the world turns quickly, time passes of course,
But if we succumb to our selves, everything is wasted, it's clear.
Every individual has a duty in this realm,
Humanity suits a person, what else?

As long as you shake it off, wake up one more time,
Turn your face from the darkness, look at the light.
Weigh every intention on the scale of conscience,
Live with justice, grow hopes with love.

If it happens with faith, all the troubles will end,
The evil remains behind, only the good works.
There is love in the hearts, peace in the world,
Then we will understand, this is the arrival to the Right of way.

Wake up once more, my people,
Resurrect with spirituality, let's all walk together.
Let's choose whatever is right,
Of course, we will get out of this pit, as long as we love wholeheartedly.

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 22.10.2024 11:41:00