I want to write a 'Love Poem' this evening,
In addition, I want to say that I like difficult Love's pain.
Thus, I understand the finite life's expectancy.
I will write such a poem, where there will be no kisses,
Neither the steamy night's eneven lust,
Nor the sudden longings of unforgotten yesterdays.
I will just write very simple about you...
With all my full of pain and naked heart.
Remember the night, the cold was extreme,
And the noise was an unbearable pain.
Budapest at 00.00 o'clock in Hotel Namzeti.
All those years were just turning into zero's.
This unforgettabel excitement of the new millenium.
My heart could not keep the pace,
You were the 'Fire Ball' from the Carpat's..,
Wearing a black hat without a lace.
Mozart was our wedding witness and for our love promises.
While we together zipped the hot-red vine,
Yet, I received mails without love.
My spontaneous jokes and your laughters,
Were the remedies of a distant piano tunes.
Your whispers were still hanging in my half-dead brain cells.
Like mistuned string instrument.
Now, the lines are open and the streets are empty, hospitals are even free....
Damn to all heart doctors in Scandinavia.
My last wish is to be buried,
In the highest hills of Transilvania.
Kayıt Tarihi : 15.10.2010 14:22:00
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