What we experience depends on our choices and our choices depend on what we experience. Life is based on choices..
Fetih CoşkunsuKayıt Tarihi : 18.4.2022 05:25:00
© Bu şiirin her türlü telif hakkı şairin kendisine ve / veya temsilcilerine aittir.

What we experience depends on our choices and our choices depend on what we experience. Life is based on choices..
Fetih Coşkunsu© Bu şiirin her türlü telif hakkı şairin kendisine ve / veya temsilcilerine aittir.
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Şu anda buradasınız:Life and Choices (ingilizce) Şiiri - Fetih Coşkunsu
Şiir ID : 3354812 - 12 Mart 2025 Çarşamba - 21:56:55