Clouds wept when you went
You left I was so orphan, yield
I could not shout from behind you
Stop, please don’t go
Don’t go.. I could not say
I cried, poetry cried.
I was stand in wonder when you were went
Wreckage of a human in backside of you
My hands were could while my heart was burning
I couldn’t cry out mountains
not said No
not said Impossible
I cried
Mountains cried
Causeless separation is worst from death
They was expectation and me those were fallen down
When memories were arranging in horizon of my eyes
Don’t go, stand.. I could not say
I cried, Songs cried
You were not cry while you were going
You were not look at sand back
Your departure was suddenly as your coming
I could not ask anything
I cried
Ways cried
Why, how, what for
were stand in backside of you
My love was in shackled
I was crucified on cross
While I was missing you in my heart
I cried
Earth cried
We cried so you went
Poetry, song, me, all of us
So we could not able to anything
Waters cried
Birds cried
Stones cried
I cried
Kayıt Tarihi : 13.2.2006 12:21:00
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