Our love..
Started, an endless time ago..
As the stars spread into galaxies,
So were we seperated, untill that endless time…?
We became strangers, to play a game;
And so were we;
Friends, centuries ago
And lovers, as millennia passed by..
So were we..
As much as, the stars in the sky;
Creating and playing; enjoying to death..
And so did we forgot to love.
And we,
Whirled around galaxies…
For centuries and in egos.
And ı loved you so much,
Watched you, from the playmate’s eyes.
So happy were you, like the children,
And as shining as the stars,
And so were you, as inspiring as the flowers.
It was always you,
And ı recognised you, via the glitter in your eyes.
I was in your dreams,
As you slept in my arms.
Who embraced you, when you cried..? ?
Who set the sun over you, after all those nights…?
And who laid the stars in the sky..? ?
So, were we ever seperated..
And swept away by the timeless winds..
This was the love for unity,
And the one, can it ever be seperated..?
You never lost me,
And there was no veil at anytime.
So were we, united;
Always, here as is, at this very moment.
02 - Eternal Lover In Thy Heart
While creating the galaxies
And defining the endless time..
And covering the unknown, with the known
I dreamt of you.
What was it
That was missing..
That could not unite..
That couldn't be ONE.
I resided inside..?
When you were out.
I tried to show out,
While you turned inside.
The moment we embraced..
That end, was the beginning.
But so were we..
Like the watcher, who could not see himself,
Like the sword, who could never cut itself.
We couldn't make that eternal dance.
So silent between the galaxies
And as harmonious and rythmic as flying.
Oh poor me, how enslaved was I, by time and space.
As I pondered with my veil over
The eyes and my stamp over the heart.
As creation gloriously embodied with you..
I couldn't soak up the glitter of your light.
Oh, YOU..
The galaxies dance in thy eyes,
Thy heart loves them all,
You empower the deepest passions,
There is no end and neither a beginning..
With you, the whole creation is filled with..
How can you fit in my heart
With all your infinite being..?
Oh, YOU.. The Eternal Lover..
So you were in thy heart,
As you gloriously created the galaxies in your dreams
El Amante Eterno
Mientras que crea las galaxias
Y define el tiempo sin fin.
Y cubierta el desconocido,
Con sabido soñaba con usted.
Cuál era él que faltaba.
Eso no podía unir.
Ese couldn't sea UNO.
¿Residí adentro.?
Cuando usted estaba hacia fuera.
Intenté demostrar hacia fuera,
Mientras que usted dio vuelta adentro.
El momento que abrazamos.
Ese extremo, era el principio.
Pero estábamos tan.
Como el vigilante,
Que no podría verse,
Como la espada,
Que podría nunca cortarse.
Couldn't hacemos que eterno baile.
Tan silencioso entre el las galaxias
Y tan armonioso y rythmic como el vuelo.
Pobres del Oh yo,
Cómo estuvo esclavizado era I,
Por tiempo y espacio.
Como pondered con mi velo sobre los ojos
Y mi estampilla sobre el corazón.
Como creación incorporada gloriosamente con usted.
I couldn't empapa encima del brillo de su luz.
De dónde...
Las galaxias bailan en ojos thy,
El corazón de Thy los ama todos,
Usted autoriza las pasiones más profundas,
No hay extremo y ni un principio.
De usted, la creación entera se llena con.
¿Cómo puede usted caber en mi corazón con todo su ser infinito.?
El Amante Eterno.
Usted estaba tan en corazón thy,
Pues usted creó gloriosamente las galaxias en sus sueños
Your grieved eyes,
Looking into, the endless times..
So sad of aged loneliness….
But you were me and ı was you..
For centuries,
So halved and short was my soul..? ?
And this was the game.
And so did we search, each other..
İn every distant corner of the galaxy.
Oh, so madly have we and been loved.
You were;
The warden and me the passenger..
Loved and me was the lover.
What were we the latest..
When memories were;
So close as the moment..
And as distant as endless times.
Oh, we lost each other..
As we watched ourself in creation.
And we recalled in pain,
What we had lost..? ?
Oh, you wanted to be complemented..
And so did ı knew, as you knew..
And so did ı love, as you loved..
And so did ı want, as you wanted..
So did we live the beginning at every end.
While the end was the beginning,
And beginning was seperation.
Oh, in those timeless moments
As ı lived everything, everywhere.
İt was me staring you, from all those eyes..
So did ı ran madly, to the extremes, to regain you.
As ı again reached new beginnings
To live; you, me, myself and everything
And what was all these…
Joining and seperations..
Oh, it was all for you..
Yes, they were all for you..
There was, no single;
Place, without you..
Neither any moment, you didn’t exist..
My love..
It was all for you,
You; .. The heart within my heart..? ?
There was never a seperation..
Listen o’my love,..
If ı place…
You; into the palace, deep in my heart,
And all the days and nights; as a chain over time..
And we watch,,
The creation
You, me
Our love..
And ı tell ourselves, to you.. And why..? ?
The creation is for you..
So you can watch the stars, as they stand by,
So you can hear the birds, as they sing,
So you wake up, as the sun sets up,
Its my love to you, which keeps them as is, all that is created,
I exist, to live myself in you.
You will know…
That we never seperated,
As promised.. İn that endless time.
That moment, when no time existed.
At the same place, which we never left..
And watched this sacred ritual.
Being into love..
And love itself..
Looking at the sky..
Behind every cloud and over the wings of the birds..
I always dreamt of you.
You were looking for me..? ?
Oh, ı was so close.... Within your breath.
Excited by the flowers..
I always smelled you. Under every leaf.
You were looking for me..
Oh, ı was so close.... Within your teardrops.
As you searched me within the cosmos.
Oh, ı was thy fascinating light.... From every star.
When you closed your eyes and just thought about me.
Oh, ı was in your dreams..
Oh, thy lover....
İs it only you, searching..?
If the seeker is being searched..and
If the wisher is being wished..
Oh, thy lover..
If you are
The reason, the meaning and the apple of thy eye..
Steering from the endless times.
Do not search me..
In thy peace and quietness and as you become love..
I am with you.
And absent am ı, if you just search me..
This is a humble road.
Which goes further away as you search it
And comes closer as you don’t...
You will know, as you come closer..
And yes,
You will further come closer as you know.
That ı always love you..
Than will you stop searching..
When your tired body and thy heart will find peace,
And we will embrace and burn for ever
While the whole cosmos burns,
As you become me,
And ı become you..
And we become the one.
Let your soulmate;
Drag you ruthlessly,
Deep into the hell.
Let the gossips;
Follow you…
As they say, its her, there she is..
But think no more;
Just take off your shoes,
There you walk, in the middle of the road,
Bare foot, for endless hours.
No wonder, who says what..?
But the voice of the heart.
That eternal scent of Love,
Just cry me, as loud as you can.
Thats the way,
To set yourself free..? ?
To say, here I am..
To feel the warmth of the sun..
To sense the raindropp over the grass..
Otherwise how can you hear my voice,
O’splashing waves..
O’bird wings..
I love you…
I love you…
I love you…
I love you…
And now…
Do you also love me..?
Kayıt Tarihi : 12.11.2006 05:18:00

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Aman ya Rabbim bunlar şiirse eski şairlerin kemikleri sızlayacak mezarlsrında... bence ayıb ediyorsunuz bi anlayan okutsanıza nette yazmadan önce şunları...resmen komik duruma düşüp kendinize güldürüyorsunuz insanları... Boşalmak için kırk yıl dolmak gerek ... siz önce biraz daha okuyup dağarcığınızı doldurmaya bakın yazmadan önce diye bir tavsiyede bulunmak istedim.İster kızın isterse oturup şöyle bir düşünün gerisi size kalmış ben en açık bir şekilde ifade ettim düşündüklerimi.
Bizim sevgimiz..
Başlanan, sonsuz bir zaman önce..
Yıldızların, galaksilere yaydığı gibi, bundan dolayı biz seperateddi, o sonsuz zamana kadar…?
Biz, yabancılar olduk, bir oyunu oynamak;
Ve bundan dolayı biz miydik;
Arkadaşlar, yüzyıllar önce, ve aşıklar, millennianın, göz ardı ettiği gibi..
Biz de, öyleydik..
Kadar, gökyüzünde yıldızlar;
Yaratmak ve oynamak; Ölüme beğenmek..
Ve bizim, sevmeyi unuttuğumuz da, öyle yaptı.
Ve biz, yüzyıllar boyunca galaksiler…in etrafında ve egolarda döndük.
Ve ı, seni çok fazla sevdi, seni izledi, oyun arkadaşının gözlerinden.
Öyle mutlu, sendin, çocuklar gibi, ve yıldızlar olarak parlamak olarak, ve bundan dolayı sendin, çiçekler olarak telkin etmek olarak.
Her zaman sendin, ve ı, seni tanıdı, senin gözlerinde parıltı yoluyla.
Ben, senin rüyalarındaydım, senin, benim kollarımda uyuduğun gibi.
Kim, seni kucakladı, senin, ağladığın zaman..??
Kim, senin üzerinde güneşi koydu, bütün o gecelerden sonra…?
Ve kim, gökyüzünde yıldızları koydu..??
Öyle, biz şimdiye kadar seperateddi..
Ve ebedi rüzgarlar ile uzakta süpürdü..
Bu, birlik için sevgi, ve biriydi, o şimdiye kadar, seperated olabilir mi..?
Sen asla, beni kaybetmedin, ve, herhangi bir zaman hiçbir peçe yoktu.
Biz de, öyleydik, birleştirdik;
Her zaman, olduğu gibi burada, bu çok anda.