Tak eme to Manhattan! It’s a ‘Call o’Cthulhu’…That’s why, first the narrator’s gonna send me these people, then, later i will destroy all the empty skyscrapers there: No one will gonna die. No one … But, it’s somewhat different, when we think the aeroplanes o’CIA on Iraqi skies: It’s not a silent bomb, like American soldiers did, do they have mercy? it’s not a biological war, even no envelopes o’humankind is gonna lost and forgotten… but its call of cthulhu; It’s not a necessity for everybody to fight, while –xtraoerd`ly.- one listens to muse(ic fuse
Ne güzeldir kapanışı köy yolları
Hemzemin arterlerinin il hudutlarına …
: Gücü toplar isen
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