Konseyimiz Şiiri - Sıcak Rüzgar

Sıcak Rüzgar





Salı Akşamı Konseyi

Toplanırız Salı akşamı, Serkan hocam başımızda,
Yaslarız sırtımızı, güven dolu dağımızda.
Gölgesine sığınırız, huzurla dolar içimiz,
Her sözü hikmet dolu, yoldaş olur her işimiz.

Durmuş Bey genç, fit, hep tebessüm yüzünde,
Güler yüzü, tavrı değişir ortamın melteminde.

Mehmet Bey görünüşüyle göz kamaştırır,
Gezmeyi sever, yollar ona bir ömür aşktır.
Tam bir yol dostudur, gezmek onun kaderi,
Nerede ne yenir bilir, yollarda geçer her biri.

Hasan Basri Bey sır saklar, ağzı mühürlü sanki,
Tebessümü yüzünde güller, gönlümüzde apayrı yeri.

M. Karakaya Bey hesaplara, rakamlara çok düşkündür,
Maneviyatı güçlüdür, ondan çekiniriz bir dürüstlük piri.

Niyazi Bey hesap ustası, zihninden toplar çıkarır,
Matematik dehası, sofraları zengin, kalbi sabır.
Uzun boylu, yakışıklı, karizması dillere destan,
Muhabbet sofralarında sevgisiyle besler insan.

Talha Bey realist, lafı dolandırmaz,
Duygusallığa yer yok, her sözü pat diye çıkarmaz.

Ebubekir gönüllerde, kayıplarda olsa da bir,
Bir telefon eder tatlısıyla, gönlü zengin, eli bir.

Sedat Kural ticaret peşinde, büyük işler kovalar,
Hemşerimizdir, iş düşse ona, o bize yol sağlar.

Engin Bey sıcak, samimi, gülen yüzüyle parlar,
Umre’ye gitti, dualarla döner, gönlümüzde anılar.

Turan Bey tebessümüyle gönülleri şenlendirir,
Daha sık katılsa meclise, mutluluğumuz derinleşir.

Ahmet hocam gurbette, yurt dışına göç etti,
O gittiğinden beri, boğazımızda lokma düğümlendi.
Samimiyetin, gülüşün özlenir, her gün hasret büyür,
Allah bir gün kavuştursun, gönüller sevinçle yürür.

Suat Bey konseye hep selam eder, Gölbaşı'nda yuvasını kurmuş,
Evlilikle konseyden uzak kalmış, gönlü hep bize durmuş.
Onun için de dua ederiz, bu ortamdan mahrum kalmasın,
Sevgi, muhabbet daim olsun, dostluk hiç kopmasın.
Konseyimizde her bir dost, sevgiyle sonsuza yaşasın.

Konseyimizde dostluk var, her yürek bir ayna,
Birbirine ışık tutar, sevgi dolu her yanına.
Konseyimiz dost dolu, kardeşlik baki kalsın,
Her buluşma muhabbet, sevgiyle harmanlansın.

Her akşamımız muhabbetle, yürekler coşar dursun,
Dostluk bağlarımız kopmasın, sonsuza dek buluşsun.
Bu bağlar hiç kopmasın, dostluklar daim olsun,
Her akşamımız huzurla, gönüller coşsun dursun.

Tuesday Evening Council

We will gather on Tuesday evening, Teacher Serkan is at our head,
We rest our backs on our mountain full of confidence.
We take refuge in its shadow, we drink in peace,
Every word is full of wisdom, every job becomes a comrade.

Durmuş Bey is young, fit, there is always a smile on his face,
His smiling face, his attitude changes in the breeze of the environment.

Mehmet Bey dazzles with his appearance,
He loves to travel, the roads are a lifelong love for him.
He is a complete friend of the road, it is his destiny to travel,
He knows where to eat what, everyone passes on the roads.

Hasan Basri Bey keeps secrets, as if his mouth is sealed,
His smile is roses on his face, he has a different place in our hearts.

M. Mr. Karakaya is very fond of accounts, figures,
His spirituality is strong, we are afraid of him, a piri of honesty.

Mr. Niyazi, the account master, takes the balls out of his mind,
He is a mathematical genius, his tables are rich, his heart is patient.
Tall, handsome, charisma is a language epic,
A person feeds with his love at the conversation tables.

Mr. Talha is a realist, he doesn't cheat words,
There is no room for sentimentality, he does not take out every word pat.

In the hearts of Abu Bakr, even though there are losses, there is a,
He makes a phone call with his dessert, his heart is rich, his hand is one.

Sadat Kural pursues trade, chases big jobs,
He is our countryman, if the job falls to him, he provides a way for us.

Engin Bey shines with his warm, friendly, smiling face,
He went to Umrah, he returns with prayers, memories in our hearts.

Mr. Turan makes the hearts rejoice with his smile,
If he joined the assembly more often, our happiness would deepen.

Teacher Ahmet is in expatriate, he emigrated abroad,
Ever since he left, we've had a knot in our throat.
Your sincerity, your smile are missed, homesickness grows every day,
May Allah bring him together one day, hearts will walk with joy.

Mr. Suat always salutes the council, he has made his home in Gölbaşı,
He stayed away from the council by marriage, his heart has always been set on us.
We also pray for him, so that he will not be deprived of this environment,
Let there be love, conversation forever, let the friendship never break.
May every friend in our council live forever with love.

There is friendship in our council, every heart is a mirror,
They shine a light on each other, full of love all around.
Our council is full of friends, let the brotherhood remain,
Let every meeting be blended with conversation, love.

Every evening we have a conversation, let the hearts get excited,
May our ties of friendship not be severed, may they meet forever.
Let these ties never break, let friendships be forever,
Let our hearts rejoice with peace every evening.

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 25.9.2024 16:36:00