In the present, sometimes in other countries in the present
All effort is for a bread
I am a man
Have I found the conditions, better facilities
To improve life
And immigration you
Migration of human fate, destiny
The geography of the Earth
I go to hang
The difficulty, obstacle, I do not know what is war
I go to far, foreign lands
Settling there and
I know someone else, other cultures
Learn foreign languages
Do I integrate with them
Never forget that now, religion, history
Although the conflicts caused by
Hanging on to everything
Migrations of horror, sadness
Longing for, sign, sign
Sits and cry
Migrations of people would hope, humanity
Hopes fade exhausted
I'll be back
I'll say instrument player, song
Rises from the human nose, air, stone, soil
Miss my land
Kayıt Tarihi : 16.11.2013 22:25:00
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