İlhami Ağbiye Şiiri - Sıcak Rüzgar

Sıcak Rüzgar




İlhami Ağbiye

İlhami abi, yılların eskitemediği bir çınar,
Saçlarına düşmüş aklar, zamanın izleri var.
Kısa boylu, balık etli, yüreği engin deniz,
Tatlı diliyle konuşur, herkes onu sever, bilir.

İşçilerin maaşlarını bir bir hesaplar,
Hakkı verir, adaleti her daim kucaklar.
Misafir sever, muhabbet sunar gönlünden,
Hürmet eder, ikramı eksik olmaz elinden.

Ama bil ki, kuyruğuna basmaya gör,
Aslan olur, kükrer; sessizlikte bir gür.
Dışarıda sakin, içinde fırtına,
Onu kızdırmak, zordur ama bir anla.

Pazarda sabah, direksiyonda akşam,
İki işte birden koşar durur durmadan.
Hayatın yükünü taşır omuzlarında,
İlhami abi, çalışkanlığıyla iz bırakır arkasında.

Ne kadar yıpratsa da yıllar,
Onun yüreği hâlâ bir bahar.
Saygı dolu, sevgi dolu o haliyle,
Her gün yeniden başlar hayat, İlhami abiyle.

İlhami abi, çalışkan, özü pek sağlam,
Kısa boylu, saçlarıyla zamana meydan.
Tatlı dili, güler yüzüyle candan,
Ama kızdırmayın, aslana dönüşür o an.

İşini bilir, maaşları titizlikle yapar,
Misafiri sever, ikramlarıyla saygı saçar.
İki işte birden koşar, durmaz, yorulmaz,
Pazarcı, servisçi, her işte iz bırakır, yorulmaz.

Saçlarına ak düşse de vakur ve diri,
Her an hazırdır, göstermez içindeki kiri.
İlhami abi, yaşamın mihenk taşıdır,
Onu rahatsız etmeyin, yoksa kalpler kırılır.

Bir yanda iş, bir yanda pazar,
Hürmet eder misafire, ikramı hep hazır.
Kendi halinde, kimseye bir zararı yok,
Ama kuyruğuna basarsan, halin pek yaman çok!

Ilhami brother, a sycamore that the years have not worn out,
There are whites that have fallen into your hair, there are traces of time.
Short, fishy, with a big heart, the sea,
He speaks with a sweet tongue, everyone loves him, he knows.

Calculates the salaries of workers one by one,
He gives the right, embraces justice always.
He loves guests, offers conversation from his heart,
He will respect, the treat will not be missing from his hand.

But know that, look at stepping on your tail,
It becomes a lion, roars; it is lush in the silence.
Calm outside, storm inside,
It's hard to make him angry, but understand.

Morning at Sunday, evening at the wheel,
He runs two jobs at once, nonstop.
He carries the burden of life on his shoulders,
Ilhami abi leaves a mark behind with her hard work.

No matter how much it wears out, the years,
His heart is still a spring.
Full of respect, full of love in that way,
Every day life starts again, with Ilhami brother.

Ilhami brother, hardworking, the essence is very solid,
He's short, he defies time with his hair.
Sweet tongue, sincere with a smiling face,
But don't get angry, he will turn into a lion at that moment.

He knows his job, makes salaries meticulously,
He loves the guest, radiates respect with his treats.
He runs at two jobs at once, does not stop, does not get tired,
A marketeer, a maidservant, leaves a mark in every job, does not get tired.

Even though his hair is white, he is dignified and alive,
He is ready at any moment, he does not show the dirt inside.
Ilhami abi is the touchstone of life,
Do not disturb him, or hearts will break.

On the one hand, business, on the other hand, Sunday,
He respects the guest, his treat is always ready.
In his own case, there is no harm to anyone,
But if you step on your tail, you're very fit a lot!

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 27.9.2024 15:48:00