İçlik Faciası
Kış geldi, rüzgârlar esti de durdu,
Soğuktan titremek adetten oldu.
“İçlik al” dediler, gittim de buldum aldım,
İşler sarpa sardı, ah benim kara bahtım,
Aldım içliği, sevincim tavan,
Sanki kutladım bayram felan.
Dedim "Tertemiz olsun, mis koksun aman!"
Attım makinaya, oldu mu yalan?
Kırk derecede yıkadım nazikçe,
Fakat çekti içlik, oldu bir şirince!
Artık bebeğe mi giydirsem acep,
Beni değil, sanki bibloyu süsleyecek 😊
Parada yok, iade masal,
Kime ne diyeyim, dert oldu asal.
Soğukla sarmaş dolaş bu kış masal,
Rüzgâr sevgilim, kar yağar misal.
Şimdi içliksiz, rüzgârla dertleşirim,
Hüzünle sarılır soğuklara ellerim.
Yeni bir içlik bulur muyum ne bileyim,
Hayat bazen gülmez, bitmez çilelerim.
Ey sıcak günler, dönün gelin ne olur,
Bu fakir, içliksiz çaresiz oturur.
Belki bir melek çıkar yardım eder,
Yoksa bu içlik hikâyesi içimi deler!
Ey rüzgâr, duy sesimi dağlardan aşa,
Belki biri duyar da içlik yollar bana.
Domestic Disaster
Winter has come, the winds have blown and stopped,
It was customary to shiver from the cold.
They said, "Buy a drink," I went and found it, I got it,
Things have turned sour, oh my black luck,
I bought the drink, my joy is the ceiling,
It's like I celebrated a holiday or something.
I said, "Let it be clean, let it smell good!"
I threw it in the machine, okay, is that a lie?
I washed at forty degrees gently,
But he pulled a drink, it was cute!
Should I dress the baby now acep,
Not me, it's like he's going to decorate a trinket 😊
There is no money, the return is a fairy tale,
What should I say to whom, it was a problem, prime.
Get wrapped up in the cold this winter is a fairy tale,
The wind, darling, it's like it's snowing.
Now without a drink, I'll worry about the wind,
I hug with sadness and my hands to the cold.
I don't know if I'll find a new drink, I don't know,
Life doesn't laugh sometimes, my endless ordeals.
O hot days, come back, come back what happens,
This poor man sits helpless without a drink.
Maybe an angel will come out and help,
Otherwise, this story of intimacy pierces me!
O wind, hear my voice over the mountains,
Maybe someone will hear and send me a drink.
Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 19.12.2024 15:06:00
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