I Love You, Turkish English Mystical Poe ...

Can Akın




I Love You, Turkish English Mystical Poems, The Only Direction, Tek Yol

Tek Yol

Nefsin esiri olmuş, yeryüzünde akıllar
Sönmüş titrek bir mumdan, düşün ne farkları var.

En büyük düşman nefis, en zor savaş onunla
Eğitilmesi çetin, nasip olmaz her kula.

Bazen bir ömür yetmez, onunla baş etmeye.
Düşürür niceleri, her türlü kötü yola.

Işıldayan yıldızdır, âşık kulları Hakkın
Kendi nefsinden bile, yalnız Tanrıya sığın.

Hakkın yolcularıyız, kurtulamaz hiç kimse
Almaya çalışılsa keşke, kıssadan hisse.

İnançsızın gönlünde, kötü tohum yeşerir
İnsanlara insanca, davranışlar yakışır.

Yüce Rumîyi dinle, manevi iklim pîri
Aklanır mı namazla, gönlünün onca kiri.

Mesnevî bir rehberdir, ömür yolculuğunda
Gerçek dostu ararsan, bulursun ancak Hakkta

Şair; Can AKIN - Çeviri; Nilüfer Dursun

The Only Direction

On the earth minds became slaves of bodily desires
Think about it theyre as weak as, trembling candles.

The gratest enemy are bodily appetites, hard to fight
Daifficult to train, isnt granted to every person.

Sometimes life isnt long enough, to struggle with bodily wishes
Make many men become prustitute.

Shining stars are lovers of Creative
Only take refuge behind God, from own bodily desires.

Were travellers of God, nobody can escape
If only Itd learned a lesson from an experience.

In the heart of unbeliever, bad products grow
Humanlike behaviors, look good on human beings.

Listen to great Rumi, master of moral climate
Will so many dirts of your heart, be clean with namaz

Mesnevi is a guide to soul, in the voyage of life.
If you look for a real comrade, only find with God.

Written By: Can Akın - Translated By; Nilüfer Dursun

Can Akın
Kayıt Tarihi : 3.2.2012 10:07:00
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WHO'S MEVLANA? 'Come, come again, whoever you are, come! Heathen, fire worshipper or idolatrous, come! Come even if you broke your penitence a hundred times, ours is the portal of hope, come as you are.' Mevlana who is also known as Rumi, was a philosopher and mystic of Islam, but not a Muslim of the orthodox type. His doctrine advocates unlimited tolerance, positive reasoning, goodness, charity and awareness through love. To him and to his disciples all religions are more or less truth. Looking with the same eye on Muslim, Jew and Christian alike, his peaceful and tolerant teaching has appealed to men of all sects and creeds. Mevlana was born on 30 September 1207 in Balkh in present day Afghanistan. He died on 17 December 1273 in Konya in present day Turkey. He was laid to rest beside his father and over his remains a splendid shrine was erected. The 13th century Mevlana Mausoleum with its mosque, dance hall, dervish living quarters, school and tombs of some leaders of the Mevlevi Order continues to this day to draw pilgrims from all parts of the Muslim and non-Muslim world. Today man who has powerful desires and self seeker feelings can't take a lesson from the thoughts of Mevlana. Mevlana says the origin of existence will be appeared by the universal love. Sufism is to become a united whole with God. Death is separation of soul from body and meeting with divine body. Your ways will become luminous by the words of Mevlana. Mevlana has regarded love of humanity, he also adviced to be tolerant, merciful, kind and patient. In addition Mevlana adviced not to be the slaves of harsness and anger. In his couplet 'If you don't love, you'll be dead. When you love, you'll remain alive. According to the brief of Mevlana a man burns twice; at first by mother, at the second by his own body. The true birth is the second one. 'The body of a man as the beehive, The honeycomb and the honey of this hive is love. When youn take love away from this hive it will be an empty hive only. To­day in the ce­re­mo­ni­es of Mev­le­vi pe­op­le who turn in gro­ups na­med 'Se­ma'; exp­la­ins the lo­ve of God. Tur­ning starts slowly con­ti­nu­es with a gre­at ex­ci­te­ment. Mev­le­vi der­vish who per­forms the se­ma we­ars a pri­va­te dress na­med 'Ten­nu­re. In ce­re­mo­ni­es the­re is a pre­si­dent of Mev­le­vi Gro­up na­med 'Post-Ni­sin'. Mev­la­na der­vis­hes turns the­ir right hands to the top and the­ir left hands to the gro­und. It me­ans that palms are open to the God for the gifts which they co­me from God spre­ad to the so­ci­ety. The mu­sic gro­up is na­med 'Muh­rip' mu­si­ci­ans who play nay na­med 'Ney­zen'sin­gers are na­med' Ayin­han'and 'Na­at­han'. In the op­po­si­te of mu­sic gro­up the­re's the skin of an ani­mal with it's ha­ir. At the end of the skin the­re's a holly li­ne it's na­med 'The shor­test way'. The 'dance' of the Whirling Dervishes is called 'Sema'. Sema is a part of the inspiration of Mevlana as well as part of the Turkish custom, history, beliefs and culture. Sema represents a mystical journey of man's spiritual ascent through mind and love to 'Perfect.' Turning towards the truth, his growth through love, desert his ego, find the truth and arrive to the 'Perfect' then he return from this spiritual journey as a man who reached maturity and a greater perfection, so as to love and to be of service to the whole of creation, to all creatures without discrimination of believes, races, es and nations. In reality people all over the world need love. In the couplets Mevlana says that humanity is able to walk in the way of happiness by seeing all of beautiness which God bestows. Son of Mevlana Sultan Veled, his son and Selahaddin Zerkubi who was trained by Mevlana have establish the Mevlevi Tariqat. After Mevlana had said the couplets Celebi the Husamettn wrote them. Mevlana has been presenting the joy of living by his words for 700 years. He has been telling to the humanity crucible of morals, virtue, honesty, goodness and helping for years. Life will be more valuable and death has beauty also it means meeting God. According to Mevlana death is a wedding night. He never divide men into groups and he calls out's comrade! we were comrades with love, we come into existence with you. 'Mevlana says if somebody commits a sin he shouldn't loose his hope. The door of wowing will be opened up to the last breath. He also says' All over the world at every place there's only God, everything is a lie in this life. 'This article is recipient from the speech of Nevin Korucuoglu who is the grandchild of Mevlana at the X. Mevlana Congress in Konya'. Names Of Mevlana: Mevlânâ Celaleddin-i Rumi - Mövlana Cə lalə ddini Rumi - Mevlana Dž elaludin Rumi - Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi - Jalal ad-Din Rumi - Dschalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi - Dschalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi - Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi - Jalā l-ad-Dī n Rū mī - Yalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi - Ĝ alal-ed-din Mohammad Rumi - Jalal Ud Din Rumi - Gialal al-Din Rumi - Celaleddîn Rûmî - Dzsalál ad-Dín Rúmí - Jalaluddin Muhammad Rumi - Jalal ad-Din Rumi - Dż alal ad-Din Rumi, Dż alaluddin Rumi, Dż alal ad-Din Balchi, Maulana Rumi, Mevlana - Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi - 'Mawlā nā Jalā l ad-Dī n Muhammad Rū mī - Mowlana Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi Rumi - Dž aláluddín Rúmí - Dž álál ad-Dín Rúmí, Muhammad Dž aláluddín, Chodávendegár, Mauláná Chodávendegár - Djalalu'd-Din Rumi - Jalal al-din Rumi, eller Jalâluddîn Mohammad-i Balkhî - Jelaleddin Rumy

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Can Akın