Even doomsday on the horizon
Couldn't make me feel worse today
All the angles that I'm seeing
Are so sharp that I think I would fail
There's no strenght in my head
For my claws to catch tomorrow
But I promised you I'd follow
Even doomsday on the horizon
Couldn't make me feel worse today
All the angles that I'm seeing
Are so sharp that I think I would fail
There's no strenght in my head
For my claws to catch tomorrow
But I promised you I'd follow
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Şu anda buradasınız:How Could You Go Şiiri - Yorumlar
22 Mart 2025 Cumartesi - 01:51:41
you promised you would follow the wind,//
then sail on the solar wind,//
unfold your spirit,//
untill you are a sail,//
only then she may come back,//
to show you the way....//............tebrikler...
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