How Could You Go Şiiri - Güçlü Sönmez

Güçlü Sönmez




How Could You Go

Even doomsday on the horizon
Couldn't make me feel worse today
All the angles that I'm seeing
Are so sharp that I think I would fail
There's no strenght in my head
For my claws to catch tomorrow
But I promised you I'd follow
The wind that blows against the flow

How could you go...

How could you go...

Same here it's the same old things
I would lie to you if I told you this
The ship that carried all the joys
Have sunk in the ocean that no one knows

Would you show me the way
Could we find the concrete
Would you come back again
If I gave you the secret

İstanbul, Kasım 1999

(Müzik: 'Cold House 2.0')

Güçlü Sönmez
Kayıt Tarihi : 25.4.2004 00:09:00
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  • Abir Zaki
    Abir Zaki

    you promised you would follow the wind,//
    then sail on the solar wind,//
    unfold your spirit,//
    untill you are a sail,//
    only then she may come back,//
    to show you the way....//............tebrikler...

    Cevap Yaz


Güçlü Sönmez