(Heptathlon) Fence Bridges Şiiri - Akın ...

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(Heptathlon) Fence Bridges

kostuk kopru boyunca
golgeler bulamadik
geceydi keskin, ve tumden karanlik
sakinmakti karanlik karanliktan

Yuksek bir engel var Atlanta kenarinda
‘Kopruler, citlerden dogru …
insanlar yorgunluktan nefret eder halde iken’
Neden, sevgili yadsir?
Usta bir kolayina kacan
Tamamen doldursun beni citler
Adam yuzeyken,
kadindir anilar
Cunku o dusey davranmali olmali
fakat, cinsiyeti sebepli;
vakara ucar bulunmak icin
we ran across the bridge
we couldn’t find any shadows
night was sharp, all dark
darkness was avoidance for darkness

There is a barrier near Atlanta
Fences are bridges
when people hate tiredness.
Why lover ignores…
She’s only the Great Pretender*
Let the fences fill me up
When men is the surface,
women’s remembrances.
Cos she oughta be vertical
but for her gender,
so as to fly to dignity
Not, ‘cit kopruler’ lafi, ‘kosuya engel’ demek olarak algilanmamali burda. ‘kopruden kosup gitmeye mani teskil etmek’ anlamali…
Not2, baslikta, bilhassa “heptatlon” dedim. Mesela, pentatlon ya da dekatlon kullanmadım
*aynı zamanda Queen'in bir şarkısı

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Kayıt Tarihi : 19.3.2007 16:19:00
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Yorumunuz 5 dakika içinde sitede görüntülenecektir.
  • Osman Karahasanoğlu
    Osman Karahasanoğlu

    we ran across the bridge
    we couldn’t find any shadows
    night was sharp, all dark
    darkness was avoidance for darkness

    There is a barrier near Atlanta
    Fences are bridges
    when people hate tiredness.
    Why lover ignores…
    She’s only the Great Pretender*
    Let the fences fill me up
    When men is the surface,
    women’s remembrances.
    Cos she oughta be vertical
    but for her gender,
    so as to fly to dignity

    Tebrikler Akın
    güzel bir anlatım
    yüreğine sağlık

    osman karahasanoğlu

    Cevap Yaz


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