Everything, lands, oceans, earth and space,
Darkness of the nights and days’ bright face,
As Creator, only you are able in every case,
.........Always you are the greatest everywhere,
.........You are in everything, but you are not there.
It was you, I learned as a very first task,
It was you, I find everywhere in a different mask,
As a temple, as a church or as a mosque,
.........None is like you, to resemble who can ever dare,
.........Your name is all over, but you are not there.
They sowed, planted, consumed, as your grants,
Satisfied with little as faithful and good friends,
Asked for you, be replie, everywhere at the ends,
.........Hard and tough orders from you we can not bear,
.........Your orders are many many, but you are not there.
Attended prayers and many times I prayed,
Not knowing where, they felt close to you in proud,
In fact, none has ever seen you from crowd,
.........Let people watch your way for a little care,
.........You are not in vicinity and you are not there.
Defending the rights as your way to reach,
Respected as your holy justice, consoled each,
For a shelter, we are at your door for refuge,
.........Cruels are burning, burning all, is that fair,
.........And as usual, you are not there, not there.
Burned homes, all are in panic like honeybees,
Suffering innocents, teensand sweet babies,
Hoping your help, poor chance, only „may be“s,
.........Brutles are on the scene, innocent in hiding with scare,
.........Where are you, and again, you are not there.
Poorer of the poor, by birth or became later,
Created to suffer, looser in every case,
Fighting to survive, all effort is to cater,
.........Tear and blood, all mixed up, happy cases are rare,
.........Your justice is not there, and you are not there.
In my head, questions lining up in a row,
Answers to them, neither I found, nor saw,
If no answers, which way shall we follow,
.........In hard days, in good days, you are not there,
.........Maybe there, but pretend that you are not there,
.........Or, you are not there and you were never there?
YOKSUN (Sitem)
Dağlar, denizler, her şey, yersi, göksün,
Geceye karanlık, günüze aksın,
Her şeye kadir, Yaradansın, Haksın,
...................Her zaman, her yerde, en büyüksün,
...................Her şey de varsın da, kendin yok, yoksun.
Kendimi bilemeden bildim seni,
Her nereye gittimse buldum seni,
Mabedini, camini, kiliseni,
...................Eşin yok, benzerin yok, teksin, yeksin,
...................Adın var da hep, kendin yook, yoksun.
Üretip, nimetin diye, yediler,
Vara, yoğa kanaatkar idiler,
Sordum, nerde ansan, orda dediler,
...................Boynumuzda vebal, en ağır yüksün,
...................Vebalin çok, ama kendin yok, yoksun.
Dinledim, nice nice dualı töreni,
baktım, bilen yok yerini, yöreni,
Duymadım bir tek, kendini göreni,
...................Var insancıklar hep yoluna baksın,
...................Sen görünürde yok, yok, gene yoksun.
Kapın die geldik sana sığındık,
Doğruları, yolun bilip savunduk,
Hakkın adaleti deyip avunduk,
...................Zalim, yakıyor yakıyor, var yaksın,
...................Nasılsa sen, gene yok, gene yoksun.
Nice masumlar, yok olan bebeler,
Çaresiz kalan analar, babalar,
Yıkılan umutlar, köyler, obalar,
...................Yıkan, yıkıyor yıkıyor, var yıksın,
....................Nerdesin sen, gene yok, gene yoksun.
Zavallılar var, sonradan, doğuştan,
Nasibi bol hep, zordan, kardan, kıştan,
zararlı, kayıplı çıkar her işen,
...................Kan, göz yaşı, sel sel akıyor,aksın,
...................Adaletin de yok, sen de yok, yoksun.
Kafamda sorular hep sıra sıra,
Kendime kaç bin kere sora sora,
Varamadım, eremedim bu sırra,
...................Darda yok, varda yok, ama hep yoksun,
...................Acaba hep var da, var da mı yoksun,
...................Yoksa, yoktan var da, var da mı yoksun?
Not: Konu varlığı inkar değil, ağır sitemdir.
Tahir GüngörKayıt Tarihi : 7.9.2005 12:52:00

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