As loaded home to a wooden suitcase,
Added patient to hope for bread chase,
Thousands were looking at your face,
.......You kept us in waiting for so long,
.......On your border, castle gate like.
We had hopes for some money earn,
Not for a sightseeing and then return,
Came here, found many things to learn,
.......In your tolerance poor land,
.......Organized military barracks like.
For many years we were here and not here,
Some dark head poor people, not very dear,
Maybe, maybe from an ant, a little bit bigger,
.......In your such arrogant culture,
.......Higher than peak of Alps like.
For us, eating or drinking was a big fight,
Always hunting a corner to be out of sight,
Many, many curses worded loud or quiet,
.......Verbally or as behaviour assaulted,
.......Dirty people, poor slaves like.
Planted friendships did not grow for years,
Always we were listened with blocked ears,
With hate, we were burned, from you no tears,
.......We were guest labours in your land,
.......Not welcomed visitors like.
We came with hopes and good dreams,
Our dreams turned to be wild screams,
As if, we were sharing your tasty creams,
.......Day by day, it is getting a public belief,
.......On your body, ticks like.
A farewell occasion without music and song,
For all, a known and unknown case for so long,
It was hard to get in, easy to leave, is that wrong,
.......In a big box with four handles,
.......For a very last trip like.
Evi bavula yükledik,
Umuda sabır ekledik,
Az mı buyur bekledik,
.............................Kale kapında.
Düşüp de umut ardına,
Bir koşu geldik yurduna,
Zevk değil, geçim derdine,
.............................Kışla yapında.
Yıllarca vardık da, yoktuk,
Kara kafa, kara bıyıktık,
Karıncadan az büyüktük,
.............................Kule katında.
Yedik alay, içtik alay,
Sesli sessiz nice kalay,
Kolay mı bnarınmak kolay,
.............................Köle, yanında.
Sevgi ektik yeşermedi,
Sabır bir iş başarmadı,
Yakıldık, göz yaşarmadı,
.............................Konuk, yurdunda.
Düşle geldik düşkün olduk,
Uysal idik taşkın olduk,
İşler bozuk, kuşkun olduk,
.............................Kokar yakında.
Gör istersin yırtık pırtık,
Defol da diyorsun artık,
Sanırsın aşına ortak,
.............................Kene yakanda.
Bir tören, yok oyun halay,
Olansa doğal bir olay,
Geliş zordu, dönüş kolay,
.............................Kollu sandıkda.
Kayıt Tarihi : 6.9.2005 23:16:00
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