For the interest, some act as an eagle,
Pretend, they are after right and legal,
Anything for their aims are same, equal,
...................Who have no idea and sence of,
...................Fair and right even.
They take, friendly first steps toward,
Act, so pure and honest as God`s award,
So white, whiter then snow, oh my Lord,
...................Who have the darkest intentions,
...................Than the darkest even.
Money and possession, they are praying for,
For the benefit, anything they are trying for,
Friendship is not what they are crying for,
...................Who are poorer and poorer,
...................Than the poorest even.
They had schooling like medication,
Spent years-long efforts in dedication,
Sweat hard to get a good education,
...................Who are much more ignorant,
...................Than the ignorant even.
In theory, for every right, they agree,
Covered from top to bottom, nothing is free,
Acting, on holy- right side in any degree,
...................Who are not aware of,
...................Of The Lord even.
Hakk ı hukuku savunan,
Kendini kanırıp, avunan,
Vurgun yoluna dövünen,
...............Hukukdan bihaberler var.
Dost dost diyerek yaklaşan,
Saflık timsali paklaşan,
Ak kardan da aklaşan,
...............İçi zindan karalar var.
Malmülke, kazanca tapan,
Çıkarını mabed yapan,
İnsandan, yaşamdan kopan,
...............Fakirden fakir zenginler var.
Hoca önünde bel bükmüş,
Talim edip de diz çökmüş,
İlim yolunda ter dökmüş,
...............Kara kara cahiller var.
Hep doğrulukla övünen,
Tepeden tırnağa bürünen,
Bir Hak dan yana görünen,
...............Hak dan da bihaberlaer var.
Kayıt Tarihi : 6.9.2005 21:45:00
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