Gönül Dostlarına. Şiiri - Sıcak Rüzgar

Sıcak Rüzgar




Gönül Dostlarına.

Dost olan dostuna bir gün kavuşur
Yürekler sevgiyle dolsun yeter ki
Hasretlik çekenler dostla buluşur
Gönüller birlikte olsun yeter ki

Hoş sohbet edilir, çaylar içilir
Saatler geçse de zor vazgeçilir
Albümden en güzel resim seçilir
Dostlar bir araya gelsin yeter ki

Bahçede yakılan semaver tüter
Güllerin dalında bülbüller öter
Derdi olsa bile o anda biter
Gözünün yaşını silsin yeter ki

Sevenler dostundan asla vazgeçmez
Yolu düşse selam vermeden geçmez
Can bağı dururken kötüyü seçmez
Sevilen seveni bilsin yeter ki

Ademoğlu der ki; arkadaş dost başkadır
Eskimeyen dostlar ise bambaşkadır
Dostluğun gurbeti bize çok acıdır
Yüzler hep birlikte gülsün yeter ki.

A friend will meet his friend one day
As long as hearts are filled with love
Those who are longing meet friends
As long as our hearts are together

Have a nice chat and drink tea
Even though hours pass, it's hard to give up
The most beautiful picture is chosen from the album
As long as friends come together

A burning samovar smokes in the garden
Nightingales sing on the branches of roses
Even if he has a problem, it will end at that moment
Just wipe the tears from your eyes

Lovers never give up on their friends
If he passes by, he won't pass by without saying hello.
He doesn't choose evil when he has a life bond.
As long as the loved one knows the loved one

Ademoğlu says; friend friend is different
Friends that never grow old are completely different.
The exile of friendship is very painful for us
As long as all faces smile together.

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 7.8.2024 10:44:00