Gerede nin Panayırı Şiiri - Sıcak Rüzgar

Sıcak Rüzgar




Gerede nin Panayırı

Gerede Panayırı

Yıllar geçse de üstünden asırlar boyu,
Gerede’nin mayhası hep diridir, dolu.
Eylül gelir, dağlar beyazı selamlar,
Kış kapıda, Gerede yine panayırla parlar.

Tezgahlar kurulur, panayır dolup taşar,
Halk kasabadan, dağdan ovadan koşar.
Kazlar tavuklar aşlar pişer fırında,
Her evin bir köşesinde panayırın tadı var.

Panayıra doluşur el emeği, göz nuru,
Kıyafetler, gıdalar, züccaciye, yoğurt, tereyağı, keş,
Her köşede bir hatıra, alınır mayhalık bir eş,
Kimi kumaş arar, kimi oyuncak, çocuklar neş'e dolu.

Eski günlerde bekar kızı olan,
Gelin arayan panayıra dolan.
Kimi kumaş arar, kimi gönül gözler,
Kısmet de bazen panayırda dizilir sözler.

İnsanlar mahsullerini, bir yıllık emeğini,
Panayırda satmaya getirir alın terini.
Tarlada çalışmış, harmanı kaldırmış,
Kışa hazırlık, zahiresi tamamdır, yıl kurtulmuş.

Tabakhaneler susar, tezgahlar canlanır,
Cuma namazıyla bereketle dolar her yan,
Esnaf dua eder, "Allah ziyade versin,"
Paylaşmak bu panayırda esas, kimse geride kalmasın.

Küçük çocuklar elinde şeker pamuk,
Luna parkın sesi, dönen salıncak,
Kimi köfter arar, kimi kızarmış kaz,
Her köşede bir gülüş, her yürek biraz naz.

Eskiden ne vardıysa, şimdi de o var,
Panayır kurulur, Gerede yine bayram yapar.
Kışın habercisi bu renkli büyük fuar,
Ticaretten öte, kültürdür, dostluğu çoğaltır.

Büyükler hatıra bakar, "Ne aldın panayırdan?"
Kimi evine halı, kimi bir kumaş beğenir,
Ama aslında alınan şey dostluktur,
Panayırda kurulan o sımsıcak bağdır.

Her evin kapısı açıktır bu mevsimde,
Kazlar pişer, kokusu dağılır meydanlara,
Gerede’nin esnafı güler, bolluk var mayhada,
Panayırın bereketi dolup taşar her yuvada.

Esentepe’de toplanır dostlar, kardeşler,
Panayırdan alınanlarla bir sofra kurulur,
Kaz eti, köfter, şak şak helvası meşhurdur,
Panayırla hayat bulunur, dostluk savrulur.

Büyük şehirlerden gelenler,
Panayırı görmeye merakla dolanır,
Gelinler, damatlar, akrabalar,
Panayırda buluşup kucaklaşır, hal hatır sorar.

Kış gelir Gerede’ye sert, soğuk ağır,
Ama panayır kışın habercisi,
Evin her köşesi, kilerler dolar taşar,
Panayır biter, ama anılar yıllarca yaşar.

Gerede’nin panayırı bir ticaret değil sadece,
Bir halkın kültürüdür, asırlık şenliği,
Her yıl yeniden doğar, yeniden canlanır,
Panayırda buluşur tüm yürekler, dolup taşar sevinci.

Bolluğun, bereketin, dostluğun adı,
Panayırdır Gerede’nin kalbindeki bayramı,
Bu gelenek bitmez, tükenmez yıllarla,
Gerede’nin sesi, ruhu panayırla parlar.

Mayhadan dönerken insanların akıllarında o coşku,
Gönüller doymuş, bazı eksikler tamam bazı tamamlar eksik,
Mayha sadece ticaret değil, bir sembol bir simgedir,
Gerede'nin kalbinde atan bir kültürdür, panayır daim olsun.

Gerede Fair

Even though years have passed, centuries have passed over,
Gerede's mayha is always alive, full.
September comes, the mountains greet the white,
Winter is at the door, Gerede shines again with a fair.

Stalls are set up, the fair is overflowing,
The people run from the town, from the mountain, from the plain.
Geese, chickens, cooks, bake in the oven,
There is a taste of the fair in a corner of every house.

The fair is filled with manual labor, the light of the eye,
Clothes, food, glassware, yogurt, butter, junkie,
A souvenir in every corner, a lovely wife is taken,
Some people are looking for fabric, some are looking for toys, the children are full of joy.

Who had a single daughter in the old days,
Wander to the fair looking for a bride.
Some are looking for fabric, some are looking for heart eyes,
Kismet is also sometimes lined up at the fair with words.

People have their crops, a year of labor,
He brings his sweat to sell at the fair.
He worked in the field, lifted the threshing,
Preparing for the winter, it looks okay, the year has been saved.

Tanneries fall silent, stalls come to life,
Every side of the dollar with blessings with Friday prayer,
The artisan prays, "May Allah grant rather,"
Sharing is essential at this fair, so no one gets left behind.

Small children have cotton candy in their hands,
The sound of luna park, spinning swing,
Some people are looking for meatballs, some for fried goose,
A smile in every corner, a little naz in every heart.

What used to be there, now there is that,
The fair is established, Gerede makes a feast again.
This colorful big fair is a harbinger of winter,
More than trade, it is culture, it multiplies friendship.

The adults look at the memories, "What did you get from the fair?"
Some people like a carpet in their house, some like a fabric,
But what is actually taken is friendship,
It is that warm bond established at the fair.

The door of every house is open this season,
The geese cook, the smell spreads to the squares,
Gerede's shopkeepers laugh, there is plenty in mayhada,
The blessings of the fair are overflowing in every home.

We gather in Esentepe friends, brothers,
A table is set up with those taken from the fair,
Goose meat, meatballs, shak shak halva are famous,
Life is found with the fair, friendship is thrown away.

Those who come from big cities,
He is curious to see the fair,
Brides, grooms, relatives,
They meet at the fair and hug, Hal asks if he remembers.

Winter comes to Gerede hard, cold heavy,
But the fair is a harbinger of winter,
Every corner of the house, the pantry overflows with dollars,
The fair ends, but the memories live for years.

Gerede's fair is not just a trade,
It is the culture of a people, the age-old festival,
Every year it is reborn, revived again,
All hearts meet at the fair, their joy overflows.

The name of abundance, abundance, friendship,
Fair is the holiday in the heart of Gerede,
This tradition does not end, with inexhaustible years,
Gerede's voice, his soul shines with the fair.

When returning from Mayha, that enthusiasm in people's minds,
Hearts are full, some deficiencies are ok, some completions are missing,
Mayha is not just a trade, a symbol is a symbol,
It is a culture that beats in the heart of Gerede, may the fair be forever.

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 26.9.2024 14:01:00