Namus sözü verip yapmazsa
Gerçek bir dost için kendin ateşe atmazsa
Kötü günde sana avuç açmazsa
O dost gerçek dost değildir arkadaş
Arkadaşım diye görüp sana gelmezse
Seni görüp selam bile vermezse
O eski günler hiç aklına bile gelmezse
O dost gerçek dost değildir arkadaş
Sen ağlarken o gülüp oynarsa
O kalın kafası fesatlıktan kaynarsa
Gizli sırlarını ona buna söylerse
O dost gerçek dost değildir arkadaş
Önünden gelip arkana dolandıysa
Zengin oldum diye seni sormazsa
Suçsuz yere sana atıp tutarsa
O dost gerçek dost değildir arkadaş
If he makes a promise of honor and doesn't keep it
If you don't throw yourself into the fire for a true friend
If he doesn't open his arms to you on a bad day
That friend is not a real friend.
If he doesn't come to you as a friend
If he sees you and doesn't even greet you
If you never even think of those old days
That friend is not a real friend.
If he laughs and plays while you cry
If his thick head boils with mischief
If she tells him her secret secrets
That friend is not a real friend.
If he came in front of you and went around your back
If he doesn't ask about you because I'm rich
If he blames you and blames you
That friend is not a real friend.
Kayıt Tarihi : 22.3.2024 17:31:00
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