Fatih Beye Şiiri - Sıcak Rüzgar

Sıcak Rüzgar




Fatih Beye

Elif gibi dimdik durur Fatih,
Namazda huzurun en derin hali,
Huşuyla eğilir secdeye başı,
Ruhunda yankılanır imanın ışığı.

Her rekatta gönlü semaya değer,
Vav gibi eğilir, elleri duâya erer,
İhlasla kaplanmış her kelâmı,
Her dua bir niyaz, her an yalvarışı.

Ellerini açar, semaya bakar,
Kalbinden süzülen, dualar akar.
O öyle bir ister, içten, derinden,
Ruhlar huzur bulur, onun sesinden.

Gözleri yaş dolu, kalbinde hüşu,
Kılarken namazı, döner hakka doğru.
Seyreden bulur onda saf bir ışık,
Her adımı doğru, her niyeti açık.

Rükûya vardığında dünya durur,
Secdede yer gök onunla huzur bulur.
Namazını izlemek başka bir âlem,
Kalbinden yükselir en yüce kelam.

Elif gibi dik, vav gibi narin,
Dua ederken tüm âlem sessiz, sakin.
Fatih'in namazı sanki bir cennet,
İçinde saklıdır hakikatin hikmeti.

Her adımda ihlas, her sözde huzur,
Kalbinden kopar bir aşk, bir vusul.
Adeta kul Fatih secdesiyle büyür,
Her secde bir köprü, Allah'a götürür.

Namazı bitirir, ruhu yücelir,
Kalbine sükûnla bir huzur gelir.
Fatih’in duası, semaya yükselir,
Elif gibi durur, Rabbe erişir.

Fatih stands tall like Alif,
The deepest state of peace in prayer,
He bends down with his birch prostrate head,
The light of faith echoes in your soul.

His heart is worthy of heaven in every rakat,
He bends down like a wow, his hands reach for prayer,
Every word that is covered with sincerity,
Every prayer is a supplication, every moment is a supplication.

He opens his hands, looks at the sky,
Flowing from your heart, prayers flow.
He wants it that way, sincerely, deeply,
Souls find peace from his voice.

Her eyes are full of tears, a hush in her heart,
When he performs the prayer, he returns to the truth.
Anyone who watches finds a pure light in him,
Every step is correct, every intention is clear.

When you reach the bow, the world stops,
In prostration, the earth finds peace in the sky with him.
Watching your prayer is another orgy,
The highest word rises from your heart.

Upright like elif, delicate like wow,
When praying, the whole world is quiet, calm.
Fatih's prayer is like a paradise,
The wisdom of truth is hidden in it.

Sincerity at every step, peace at every so-called,
A love that breaks from your heart, a body.
Almost kul Fatih grows up with prostration,
Every prostration is a bridge that leads to Allah.

He finishes the prayer, his soul is exalted,
A peace comes to your heart with peace.
Fatih's prayer rises to heaven,
He stands like Alif, reaches out to the Lord.

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 26.9.2024 16:03:00