Elveda Kraliçe Şiiri - Yorumlar

Harlem Rimbaud




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Tamamını Oku
  • Harlem Rimbaud
    Harlem Rimbaud 21.04.2020 - 16:49

    Sleep without sleep, folks.
    Do not cry your unconscious nothingness.
    Stack your soul,
    Let your inspiration,
    Run between the bay stones to seduce your mind.
    Extinguish the lights of the climate,
    Sleep on the rocks,
    Greet the stars,
    Sadness poetry,
    Because he's dying, the big plane tree.
    He has no Fuzuli to embrace him, he has no Mallarme .
    Oh poor
    What are you,
    Nor is heir to his legacy.
    Who remembers, your
    Rebelliousness in your youth.
    Do you remember that?
    When you rule the nobility, the kings?
    Oh, my goddess,
    It's time to say goodbye.
    Close your eyes,
    it was cried me
    seeing you like this.

    Cevap Yaz

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