E - The Muse -04- English Şiiri - Bilal ...

Bilal Geniş




E - The Muse -04- English

E - The Muse -04- English

The season spring...
The months April...
Nature emerald green green...
Identical thing like the eyes...
Every every wooden plant..
Renga has opened the colour flowers..
They race is virtually with the you..
Identical thing like the dresses...
Every vivacious side..,
Reaches at nature..,
The smiles on her branch,..
Again has been affected her,..
Identical thing like the me......
The nightingale tells your most beautiful songs,...
She loves the nightingale...
Various does not say that she loved...
I dentical thing like the you......
Laughs is...
A nightingale...
Symbol every possible time..
Identical thing the you and the I....
The symbol of the love laughs..
The you beautiful to the soot..
I love the rose...
The you...
I love more much from the rose..
Do you know....
The Muse....
I loved the you..
The Muse....
I love the you...
The Muse..
I will love the you.....
The Muse....

Mersin 04.04.2004 Bilal Genis

Bilal Geniş
Kayıt Tarihi : 4.8.2008 03:14:00
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