**Crippled Man Şiiri - Yorumlar

Güçlü Sönmez




A crippled man stands near a street lamp in the darkest hour of the night
He stares at the light as if he shall find some way out
Dozens of flying creatures that the brightness attracted miss his eyes
Just like becoming one of them does

As I walk home without an umbrella, orphan rain drops fall on my head
Since they used to be my friends, I never thought of them as a threat

Tamamını Oku
  • Abir Zaki
    Abir Zaki 25.04.2004 - 00:35

    So you want Venus, Venus as the 'procreatrix', the life-giving force behind the natural world to give you 'an' answer..???......very meaningful poem, Guclu...congratz...

    Cevap Yaz

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