..........There has been..........
...........A crime scene...........
.....A heart shot and killed.....
...........In the unknown...........
...........Darkness fell...........
........On the mornings........
Will there be a sun rise again
..........Blood in a heart..........
...That no one cares about...
.......Is shedding all over.......
...........The boulevard..........
.................Of love.................
Do you hear these mocking laughs
.Do you hear these unearthly cries.
.......Nothing makes any sense.......
........While I'm tripping in sins........
....Do you feel this unfaithful love....
.....It is the assassin of that heart.....
.......Close the door to its face.......
..And light a candle for a new start..
Kayıt Tarihi : 10.5.2004 22:51:00
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![Güçlü Sönmez](https://www.antoloji.com/i/siir/2004/05/10/crime.jpg)
Basarilarinizin devamini diliyorum. Sevgiler.
..And light a candle for a new start..' may be...
Being a human means is being a good human during all your life... Don't close the door...