Çocukları Kurtarın Şiiri - Yorumlar

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Tamamını Oku
  • Abir Zaki
    Abir Zaki 18.05.2003 - 08:10

    Yes, BirDeli, I always wondered about the same thing, I guess because before becoming a scientist or engineer, THEY were artists/poets deep down, then THEY delved deeper into
    science...transformation happened...THEY become like a documentation, filled with mathematical equation/complex diagrams..etc..explaining our world with integrity...THEY merged and become indistinguishable...many examples are as (scientists poets)...Isacc Newton, Miroslav Holub, Descartes, Kepler..and many others....Lavinia Greenlaw, in 1995 she was ‘Poet in Residence' at the Science Museum in London said: 'I guess what I can do is show the human applications and remind people that science stems from human enquiry and our experience of the world. And in that sense it is as subjective as poetry' .......

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  • Muammer Çelik
    Muammer Çelik 18.05.2003 - 00:59

    Neden matematikciler; Mimarlar, mühendisler, yerbilimci, gökbilimzi, fizikci, biyolog.. Bir edebiyatcidan daha edebi ve güzel siir yazarlar hic anlamis degilim. Bunu sirri nedir sizce?

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