Bir Gönül Sultanı Şiiri - Sıcak Rüzgar

Sıcak Rüzgar




Bir Gönül Sultanı

Bir güneş doğardı Ankara’da her sabah,
İrfanıyla dolardı ruh, sevgiyle sabah,
Gurur bilmez, kibir ondan uzak bir durak,
Hakkı haykırırken titrerdi yürekten ah.

Bir derviş misali, yol bulurdu sözüyle,
Ne menfaat umar ne de geçer özüyle,
Kürsüde sarsılırdı her kelamın gücüyle,
İlme adanmıştı, canını koydu yüze.

Muradiye’de açtı okullar, kuran kurusu,
Yüreklerde büyüdü her dua, her duruşu,
Esnaf kapı kapı dolaştı, tuttu yarışı,
Her zerresinde saklıydı onun gözyaşı.

Gençlere rehber oldu, umut dolu bir ışık,
İlimle suladı ruhları, dertlere aşık,
Gittiği her yerde bir bahar, bir sıcak,
Onunla dirildi, her gönül oldu geniş.

Kibir nedir bilmez, mütevazı, güleç yüz,
Espriyle süslerdi her cümlesi, her söz,
Neşeyle dolar giderdi, ona her bir göz,
Sohbetinde huzur bulur, taşar yürekte öz.

Bir fener gibi aydın, karanlığı delerdi,
Hak yolunda yılmaz, cesaretle yürürdü,
Siyasete yanaşmaz, hakkı tek dinlerdi,
Rabbim rahmet eylesin, cennetle gülerdi.

Rıza Hoca, sen gittin, iz bıraktın geriye,
Dualar yükseliyor hep sana, her seheriye.

A sun would rise every morning in Ankara,
The soul would be filled with wisdom, love in the morning,
He knows no pride, arrogance is a far stop from him,
His heart would tremble as he shouted the truth.

Like a dervish, he would find the way with his words,
It neither hopes for benefit nor passes away,
He would shake in the pulpit with the power of every word,
He was devoted to knowledge, he put his life into it.

He opened schools in Muradiye, dry Quran,
Every prayer, every stance grew in hearts,
The tradesmen went door to door, raced,
Her tears were hidden in every particle of her.

He became a guide to young people, a light full of hope,
He watered the souls with knowledge, in love with troubles,
Wherever he goes, there is spring, warmth,
He was resurrected with him, every heart became wide.

He does not know what arrogance is, humble, smiling face,
He would embellish every sentence, every word with a joke,
He would go away with joy, every eye looking at him,
He finds peace in his conversation, the essence overflows in his heart.

Bright like a lantern, it would pierce the darkness,
He walked with courage and courage on the path of truth,
He was not interested in politics, he only believed in the truth,
May God have mercy on him, he would laugh in heaven.

Rıza Hoca, you left, you left a trace behind,
Prayers always rise for you, every morning.

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 12.9.2024 21:44:00
Sıcak Rüzgar