Yükseldi bir güneş, Ankara ufkunda,
Nuruyla aydınlattı her karanlık yolu,
Gurur bilmezdi, kibir tanımazdı,
Mütevazı adımlarla sildi tüm tozu.
Vaazlarıyla gönüllere serpildi umut,
Her sözünde sevgi, her kelimesi ilim,
İrfan denizinin feneri gibi parlardı,
Gösterdi doğruyu, yol oldu zulme karşı.
Yalnız Allah’a bağlı, kulun sevgisine muhtaç,
Siyasete bulaşmadan, hakkı haykırdı korkusuz,
Bir arif, bir derviş, bir gönül eri,
Kürsülerden yankılandı hakkın sesi.
Zengin kapı kapı dolaştı, el açtı hayra,
Muradiye Vakfı’nı kurdu, sevgiyle yoğrulan,
Okullar açıldı, Kur’an kursları inşa,
Binlerce genç yetişti, dualarda anılan.
Espri dolu sohbetlerle neşe oldu her dem,
Dostluğuyla, fedakarlığıyla iz bırakan bir rehber,
Varlığıyla hayat bulan, sevgiyle yeşeren,
Rabbim rahmet eylesin, nur içinde yatsın erdem.
Dosta dost, düşmana siper, ilimle yürüdü hep,
Bir meşale oldu, karanlıkları delip geçen,
Ey gönül sultanı, mütevazı bilge insan,
Senin gibi bir arif, kolay kolay gelmez bir daha zaman.
Ruhun şad olsun, dualarla anılırsın,
Hizmetinle, emeğinle daim kalırsın.
A sun has risen on the Ankara horizon,
He illuminated every dark path with his light,
He didn't know pride, he didn't know arrogance,
He wiped away all the dust with modest steps.
Hope spread into hearts with his sermons,
Love in every word, knowledge in every word,
It would shine like a beacon on the sea of wisdom,
He showed the truth and became the way against oppression.
Dependent only on Allah, in need of the love of servants,
Without getting involved in politics, he fearlessly shouted the truth,
A wise man, a dervish, a man of heart,
The voice of truth echoed from the rostrums.
The rich went from door to door, offering charity,
He founded the Muradiye Foundation, kneaded with love,
Schools were opened, Quran courses were built,
Thousands of young people grew up and are remembered in prayers.
There was always joy with humorous conversations,
A guide who leaves a mark with his friendship and sacrifice,
Coming to life with its presence, flourishing with love,
May God have mercy on you and may you rest in peace.
Friend to friend, shield to enemy, always walked with knowledge,
It became a torch, piercing the darkness,
O sultan of the heart, humble wise man,
A wise man like you will never come easily again.
May your soul rest in peace, you will be remembered with prayers,
You will always remain with your service and labor.
Kayıt Tarihi : 12.9.2024 21:48:00
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