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Hancı Pervane




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  • Hüseyin Karatay
    Hüseyin Karatay 17.06.2011 - 21:55

    HANCI PERVANE: I was a gendarme of pursuit in BAŞKÖY of IĞDIR. I used to take manure in front of the stable of horses, there was ammunition at the door I looked at the door before the dawn as a monitor. I looked upward where the sun rose Opened a gate in the sky . I felt dizzy . I avoided breaking the gun . Id kneel down Five men from the gate in the sky came down to me. First I was conscious ,then fainted. Those five men came and told me : No one can approach here three metres closer. They gave me menerefe (The lectures of the secret of the truth) : At the first lecture the Earth was established. At the second the Earth was filled with the water three times. At the third at once all souls were created from kef and nun . At the fourth all the ruins and buildings to be built. At the fifth whatever tool dead or alive At the sixth whatever names of Adam with or without veils. A lady called Zöhre Hanım came fifty centimetres close to me. They named me Hancı Pervane ! They filled two glasses with something like milk from the light of Allah . They filled and called it bade (The water of the Heaven) They said : You drink it from her hand and she from yours and we did. When I woke up, soldiers around me could not come closer to me. They had been ordered to kneel down they kept staying there and they could not pass so that they could feed their horses. They told me to approach them three metres but all my body was full of blood and froth. When I showed up to the captain ,he slapped me.At that moment wife of the captain ran towards us crying : Dont slap him again our children died . The soldiers went carrying the corpses. After burying the corpse the captain came and asked me : What happened to you my son ? Nothing has happened to me I have fallen in love. My captain ,he asked me :Why werent we able to reach here? I said : you werent able to pass since Prophet Muhammed ,Hz.Ali,Hz. Fadime,Imam Hasan,Imam Hüseyin. Then,he took me to a doctor I told the doctor : I am fine.You dont need to treat me I returned from the doctor the soldiers were standing for someone. I asked and learned that the director of Religious Affairs was coming from Ankara. Suddenly I was informed that I would be questioned. Two men sat right opposite to me One of them extended his curbed hands to me and asked :What is in my hands? I said In your right hand is written La Ilahe Illallah Muhammeden Resulullah (There is no God but Allah. Muhammed is messenger) and in the left hand is a cigarette . Then the man asked me to sing a song: MAY IT BE THANKS TO THE CREATOR I SAW THE ONE WITH GREAT ADVANCEMENT I SAW THE ONE SEEKING İLİM (SPIRITUAL SCIENCE) HAVING SIPPED FROM THE SEA OF MERCY They called me aşık(in love) They gave me timeless permission paper. They discharged me. I, Bayram Karatay-born in 1341- son of Hüseyin, joined the Army. I was a genderma of pursuit and my Captain was Ahmet Göktaş

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