I am just as a drunk,
I can't stand, look!
Not I am a tipsy,
I am worse than tipsy.
And tipsy and tipsy.
My heart is bleeding,
I am crying.
Where are you my darling
My soul, my darling,
Where are you my soul
which gives soul to soul
Where are you my darling
Look, I am crying.
your eyes are near me
Your ears, your hands
You look and touch with your hands
But you don't touch me
As well as me
Look and learn my darling
Look and learn love from me.
Be my lover my darling,
Who shares my love.
Be my life who shares my life
Be my will who shares my wills
Be my desire who shares my desires
Be my dream who shares my dreams
Be my hate who shares my hates
Be my anger who shares my angers
Be my danger who gives me some danger
And be my heart, my darling,
who shares my heart, who shares my life,
who shares my blood, who shares my boredom,
who shares my happiness
who shares everything that you can think in my heart
Be my soul, my darling,
who shares my heart.......
Kayıt Tarihi : 27.5.2006 14:11:00
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