Ali Ağbime:
Varlığın bir liman, sığınılacak yer,
Gönlün geniş, yüreğin büyük bir fener.
Sözlerin tatlı, tebessümün bahar,
Seninle dostluk, bir ömre değer.
Önde oturursun, yüzün güven, nur,
Ne zaman baksam, gözlerin huzur.
Evde baba, işte çalışkan adam,
Kaytarmaz, kaçamaz, sabırla devam.
Çay demlenir, sohbet uzar gider,
Sözlerin ilaçtır, dertleri siler.
İkramın bol, cömertsin her an,
Misafir sever gönlün, yüreğin yanan.
Zor günlerde sorunlara ışık olan,
Denizde fener, yolda cankurtaran.
Allah işini rast getirsin daim,
Kalbin hiç bozulmasın Ali Ağbim.
Dualarda, kalplerde adın geçecek,
Sevgin içimizde hep sürecek.
Saygı, hürmet sonsuz sana,
Ali Ağbim, var ol hep hayatta!
Ali Agbime:
Your existence is a port, a place of refuge,
Your heart is wide, your heart is a big lantern.
Your words are sweet, your smile is spring,
Friendship with you is worth a lifetime.
You sit in the front, your face is trust, nur,
Every time I look, your eyes are at peace.
Dad at home, hardworking guy at work,
He does not slacken, he cannot run away, continue with patience.
Tea is brewed, the conversation goes on for a long time,
Your words are medicine, they erase problems.
You have a lot of treats, you are generous at any moment,
Your guest loves your heart, your heart is burning.
Who is the light of problems in difficult days,
A lighthouse at sea, a lifeguard on the way.
May Allah bring his work rast dai,
Don't let your heart ever break, Ali Agbim.
Your name will be in prayers, in hearts,
Your love will always last in us.
Respect, respect to you forever,
Ali Agbim, always be alive!
Kayıt Tarihi : 19.2.2025 12:05:00
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