A Woman of Contradiction...1

Abir Zaki




A Woman of Contradiction...1

My Friend….
Don’t be puzzled and confused at my words
I am the woman of contradictions
I am the heaven and I am the hell

I am the woman with darken eyes
with the most brutal words
a defeated woman
who slumbers with the sun set
who stays up at night playing guitar…

Do not try to sail in a woman’s ocean
When you reach her shore and anchor at her harbor
The journey ends…

Do not get confused with my thoughts
I am the surface and I am the depth
I am the most compassionate,
I am the wind and I am the hurricane…

I am the woman who is in love with herself
both the male and the female
I am all the women of the world
angelical and evil …

I am a child and within me a tortured woman
In my stubbornness and naughtiness
are the echoes of the children
In my feminine world
are faces, bracelets, and mirrors
They confide and converse…

Like all women of all ages who struggle,
I am like
The woman who sleeps on my pillow
At times she dreams and sometimes she hymns
And sometimes she sings
At times she smiles at the unknown
And I smile with her at her journey of waiting …

And here’s a stubborn woman
she likes to bawl at my dolls
And exceeds my limitations
she laughs and mocks at the color of my eyes
And then she publicizes her victory…

My friend, what do you see in a woman
Who all the time longs for you
Who builds a castle with you
One who is with you and against you
And challenges the days and the destinies…

The woman who dresses you with the most beautiful clothes
Cuts your beautiful black hair
the hair of the powerful Samson
The woman who conveys you secrets and mysteries
Who is defeated and triumphed
Who is veiled and with a cigar
And who dares to confess to you of her ill choices….

A woman who approaches your heart
And when it chants and hisses,
you don’t hesitate to run away...and you do…

I am a woman full of contradictions
Yes, I am the one who plays with the fire and ice at the same time
I am the one who is encompassed by the sun
and in my palms are the moons and the stars
My friend, don’t be confused…
There’s nothing more magnificent than a woman
who puts on a dress and takes it off
and with her, the world can’t help but be confused...

you will always be a man from a brick…from clay….
you will always come after my words…after the invader…
you will always be confused… confused… confused….

Abir Zaki
Kayıt Tarihi : 10.10.2003 03:26:00
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Yorumunuz 5 dakika içinde sitede görüntülenecektir.
  • Yakup İcik
    Yakup İcik

    Mein Freund…Werden nicht an meinen Wörtern verwirrt sein und verwirrt. Ich bin die Frau von Widersprüchen. Ich bin der Himmel und ich bin die Hölle...bana göre güzel siir...

    Cevap Yaz
  • Muammer Çelik
    Muammer Çelik

    Bu siirin altinda ilk ceviri metni vardi ve kaldirdim. Ceviri ayri bir siir olarak Sairenin siir listesinde bulunmaktadir.

    Cevap Yaz
  • Selin Sonsuz
    Selin Sonsuz

    you look like me...

    we are almost the same...

    ı havent seen such similarity before...

    may I ask your horoscope please....

    Cevap Yaz
  • Hülya Topçuoğlu
    Hülya Topçuoğlu

    İşte bu şiir beniz özlediğim nitelikte...

    Cevap Yaz
  • Naime Erlaçin
    Naime Erlaçin

    You don't confuse ME anymore!...Seni bu şiirinle tanımış ve sana kendimce bir anlam yüklemiştim. Sonradan hiç yanılmadığımı anladım. Bazı kişiler, 'herşey' olabilme yeteneğine sahiptirler. Sen de onlardan birisin sevgili dostum!...Yine de bir önerim olacak sana....

    'dön ve içine bak şimdi /
    iyi bak! /
    gördüğün aşina çehre kimin? /
    ya anka’sın ateşten gelen /
    ya salamander yangını söndüren /

    anadilim böyle söyler! .../

    ('Salamander ve Anka' dan bir bölüm...)

    Şimdi 'anka' olmanın; şimdi kayadan güçlü su olmanın zamanı!....Su ol ki, yolunu açarak aksın ve yürüsün tüm varlığın....
    Naime Erlaçin -Sage -Lal -Giryan -Serapis -Çekirge - Kaptan Nemo:))))))))))))))) Unuttuğum var mı????????

    Cevap Yaz


Abir Zaki