A- The muse My love - 108.. English

Bilal Geniş




A- The muse My love - 108.. English

A- The muse My love - 108.. English

Do you know..
Cracks from the you..
The sun sinks...
Moon and star shaped..
Again to my daytimes...
Nighttime she is added..
You deprived has bandaged my heart..
Full with the you...
A night starts...
Time the concept de...
Very merciless.....
Finish she does not know...
Morning she does not become...
The sun does not exist...
Her pains devote heads at the taste..
Full with the you...
The imaginations sets up...
I lie down my bed....
You deprived pity for her...
You are in front of me your imaginary comes...
We talk to the hours..
Abundantly We set up imaginations...
At a moment to a dreams country....
We go after we dream to the hand hand...
Understand me...
I loved the you...
I love the you...
I will love the you...
The muse My love..

Mersin 10.09.1986 Bilal Genis

Bilal Geniş
Kayıt Tarihi : 16.8.2008 16:08:00
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Bilal Geniş