Sesini tanıdım, aynı
Lakin, af edersin lisânını çıkaramadım
Senin mi o cümleler?
Yüzün aynı ama ne yazık
Yüzümden (aynandan) saklı
Labirentte yitik zihnin…
Sen mi kırdın aşkın belini?
Biz’in boynunu büken sen misin?
Yoksa o makûs gölgenin görev edindiği
Rutin marifet mi?
Biz ki akl-ı selîmken
Akl-ı sakîm nasîhe ihtiyaç yok ki
Sen ey gerçek sevdiğim!
Uzun zamandır neredesin?
Çıksın masken
Sevda dilli eski sen
Kıymaz ecesine, keder indirmez, yas yüklemez
Çaldırmaz masalımızı…
Ömür, birbirine ulandı derken
Mola vakit kaybı ve bir sevda ayıbı
Aşkın nuruna kıymak, nurun özüne…
Boyun bükmek zora, zorbaya
Sözden dönmek!
Demir tavında gerek
Zirvedeyken aşk harı
Hasreti sürmek
Gün vermek vuslata
Bir tek, şiir dilin gerçek
İmdada yeter bir de
Her an duyduğum yürek sesin
Yoksa tutunamam yaşama
Bulamam izini, ulayamam gizini
Kalbe, kalbinin
Dönsün devran, sinsin baht siyahı
Senin değil bu dil
Bu bakış, bu sevi harcayış
Bu ihanet, boş emek…
Sen ki sevda neferi
Meydanı bırakmaz, asla dönek olmaz!
Ben ki
Karayı içerim de gözünden
Takvime sunmam asla
I recognized your voice as the same
But I am sorry,
I couldn't know it wasn't able to no your language
Were those sentences belonging to you?
Your face is same but what a pity
It is hidden from your mirror (from my face)
Your mind lost within maze…
Were you get who was waist-breaking of love?
Were you get who was bending the neck of us?
Or do it routine skill of harmful shadow that it have task to this?
That we while our minds is not mistaken
Not that need to misleading the advise donors
Hey you, true my adored!
Where are you since for a long time?
Get out your mask
Old you that you were having love speech
He doesn’t relentless to queen
The sorrow doesn’t download
The mourning doesn’t install
Our story doesn’t ring…
While it told that the life added together
The break is time loss and it is a shame of passion
To murder to divine radiance of love, to origin of divine radiance…
To neck curve to difficulty, to bully
To return from promise…
The iron should in annealed
While the fervor of love is in the peak
To ax remove the longing
To date to union
Only your language of poem real
Moreover it come to the help of me
That I stil was feeling your voice of heart
Or I can’t hold on to life
I can’t find its trail
I can’t add its mystery
To heart of your heart…
Turn round the fate
Keep down the black of fortune
This language doesn’t yours
This looking, this using up the passionate love
This betrayal, the effort for nothing…
That you the soldier of passionate love
Doesn’t leave the field
It never can't be the fickle!
That I drink the dark from your eye too
I never don’t present to the calendar
Çeviri: Öznur KARAYUMAK, Ayşe ÖZİPEK
"GÜNLERDEN VUSLAT" Şiir kitabından
Öznur KarayumakKayıt Tarihi : 24.8.2008 02:29:00

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