I looked your beatiful eyes and ı loved you...
I crazy for your love and ı believed you...
I understood the life's beatifuly near you..
I loved you, I love you, I'll love you....
The Muse...
I fire for your love......
I spoke the stars on the sky on night...
Seing your imagine on your quite..
I loved you, I love you, I'll love you......
The Muse...
Ferhat drilled the muntain for Şirin....
Mecnun crassed the dessrt for Leyla.....
Kerem gived his heart for Aslı....
And I can die for you......
The Muse..
Mersin 10.09.2004 Bilal Genis
Bilal GenişKayıt Tarihi : 4.7.2008 22:57:00

© Bu şiirin her türlü telif hakkı şairin kendisine ve / veya temsilcilerine aittir.
Year 1976 season Autumn Months, September, sunday once upon a time,Our eyes to look at.., we also smiled, we went on the road... And in time, we loved, same an mad like... about 3 years our friend proceed... And... One day, his father... Our love learned... Your to find,very poor a painter...Was angry to daughter...He brought his daughter in Mersin..... Adana in the rich a working man son....It get married.... Became the children..Girl became the green tree..I, dry tree become..My heart..Is broken... You now...Very good look at...My picture...Under the green tree...The muse, side Profile picture there...Under the dry tree...I drawed, my side profile, my picture.. Your now, very good,You look at my picture....In the sky...In the clouds...My face there...Same an crazy......Hairs and beards..Very long...They compare me a lot of...İsa prophet..This picture...Very big, The love is the story..In the my collections, this picture.... Respects.... Painter Bilal Geniş My web: www.bilalgenis.com

Ben şair değilim..
Kızım ben Tercüman da değilim..
Ben Aşçıyım...
İyi domates çorbası yaparım..
Sen kimsin dersen...
Ben senin...
Mecnun crassed the dessrt for Leyla.....
Kerem gived his heart for Aslı....
And I can die for you......
The Muse..
Very good Very god Veru good...
Thank you very much..
My teacher..