001 - Çeviri - Mevlana - Mevlana

Nilüfer Dursun




001 - Çeviri - Mevlana - Mevlana


Ayna dostun yüzüydü, gördü Mevlana
Maşukla ağladı, güldü Mevlana
Dostun en hası, o sevgiliyi
Şems'in gözlerinde buldu Mevlana

'Yalan zarar kalbe' dedi Mevlana
Selameti aşkta buldu Mevlana
Tevekkül edenler mutlak sevinir
Sabırla murada erdi Mevlana

Senin suyun aşın candı Mevlana
Hasretle sarardın soldun Mevlana
Ayrılık ateşi eritti seni
Ne aklın ne sabrın kaldı Mevlana

Muhabbette güneş oldu Mevlana
Cömertlikte suydu aktı Mevlana
Sevda kadehinden içti şarabı
Aşk dininde pişti yandı Mevlana

Âşık gönüllere rüzgâr Mevlana
Gözü kem olandan ırak Mevlana
Candan bir candı cümle canlara
Şems'in ateşiyle coştu Mevlana

Can Akın


Mirror was the face of comrade, saw Mevlana
Cried with the beloved, laughed Mevlana
The best of comrade, who was the darling
Found in the eyes of Sems Mevlana

'Lie is harmful to heart' said Mevlana
Found the peace in love Mevlana
Some ones who put themselves, in God's hands
Reached his desire, with his patience Mevlana

Your water food was soul Mevlana
You were ground pale, because of longing Mevlana
The fire of separation, was melted you
Neither your wise nor patience, remained Mevlana

You became sun, in the love Mevlana
Like water in the generosity, flew Mevlana
Drank the wine, in the glass of love
Became rip burned, in the religious of love Mevlana

Mevlana is the wind, to the hearts of lovers
Far away from, the evil-eyed Mevlana
He was a real soul, to all of the souls
Got excited, with the fire of Sems Mevlana

Poem: Can AKIN
Translated by:Nilufer DURSUN

Nilüfer Dursun
Kayıt Tarihi : 4.3.2010 07:05:00
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